If Dad needs urgent help will he be able to let me know?
Will I know if my mother hasn’t got up by a certain time in the morning?
Will I know if a door has been left open or is opened during the night?
I’m a Diabetic, can I keep my readings on this system to review with my GP later?
If Mom gets out of bed during the night and doesn't get back in can I get an alert
Can I just sign up for the friendly call to start?
Is there somebody at the monitoring station 24/7?
If there’s a fire will the emergency services be contacted automatically?
Is the system fitted by caring people who have experience of working with the elderly in their own homes?
Is it simple and easy to install without any messy wires or cables?
Is it easy to take and store my blood pressure readings?
Does the system work automatically without having to switch anything on or off?
It looks fantastic but will I be able to afford it?